Computational number theory in Sidef
In this tutorial we're going to look how we can use Sidef for doing various computations in number theory.
To initiate your journey with Sidef and installation instructions, refer to the beginner's tutorial (PDF).
Over time, Sidef has integrated numerous mathematical functions, many sourced from Dana Jacobsen's commendable Math::Prime::Util and Math::Prime::Util::GMP Perl modules. These modules significantly enhance performance in tasks like integer factorization, primality testing, and prime counting.
Presently, Sidef encompasses more than 1000 numerical functions; explore the source code.
The majority of these functions match the speed of PARI/GP and Mathematica, while a few are marginally slower or even faster.
Sidef has built-in support for big integers, rationals, Gaussian integers, Quaternion integers, Quadratic integers, matrices, polynomials, and floating-points of arbitrary precision, using the GMP, MPFR and MPC C libraries.
Basic usage
After installing Sidef, we can start the REPL by executing the sidef
command in a console:
$ sidef
Sidef 24.01, running on Linux, using Perl v5.38.1.
Type "help", "copyright" or "license" for more information.
Several examples of Sidef code to try: { .is_prime } # first 25 primes 30.of { .esigma } # first 30 values of the e-sigma function factor(2**128 + 1) # prime factorization of the 7-th Fermat number
Additionally, by creating a script called script.sf
, we can execute it as:
sidef script.sf
Some basic functionality of the language:
var x = 42 # variable declaration var y = x**3 # compute x^3 and store the result in y say (x + y) # print the result of x+y
In Sidef, the following 4 statements are all equivalent:
say { .is_composite } say { is_composite(_) } say {|n| n.is_composite } say {|n| is_composite(n) }
Number theoretic functions
Below we have a small collection of common functions used in computational number theory:
is_prime(n) # true if n is a probable prime (B-PSW test) is_prov_prime(n) # true if n is a provable prime is_composite(n) # true if n is a composite number is_squarefree(n) # true if n is squarefree is_power(n,k) # true if n = b^k, for some b >= 1 is_power_of(n,b) # true if n a power of b: n = b^k, for some k >= 1 is_perfect_power(n) # true if n is a perfect power is_gaussian_prime(a,b) # true if a+b*i is a Gaussian prime factor(n) # array with the prime factors of n divisors(n) # array with the positive divisors of n udivisors(n) # array with the unitary divisors of n edivisors(n) # array with the exponential divisors of n idivisors(n) # array with the infinitary divisors of n bdivisors(n) # array with the bi-unitary divisors of n omega(n,k=0) # omega function: number of distinct primes of n Omega(n,k=0) # Omega function: number of primes of n counted with multiplicity omega_prime_divisors(n,k) # divisors of n with omega(n) = k almost_prime_divisors(n,k) # divisors of n with Omega(n) = k prime_power_divisors(n) # prime power divisors of n square_divisors(n) # square divisors of n squarefree_divisors(n) # squarefree divisors of n tau(n) # count of divisors of n sigma(n,k=1) # sigma_k(n) function: sum of divisors of n psi(n,k=1) # Dedekind's Psi function znorder(a,n) # Multiplicative order of a mod n lambda(n) # Carmichael lambda function phi(n) # Euler's totient function jordan_totient(n,k=1) # Jordan's totient function: J_k(n) idiv(a,b) # integer floor division: floor(a/b) idiv_round(a,b) # integer round division: round(a/b) idiv_ceil(a,b) # integer ceil division: ceil(a/b) idiv_trunc(a,b) # integer truncated division: trunc(a/b) iroot(n,k) # integer k-th root of n ilog(n,k) # integer logarithm of n in base k valuation(n,k) # number of times n is divisible by k gcd(...) # greatest common divisor of a list of integers gcud(...) # greatest common unitary divisor of a list of integers lcm(...) # least common multiple of a list of integers factorial(n) # n-th factorial (equivalently: n!) mfactorial(n,k) # k-multi-factorial of n (where k=2 means n!!) falling_factorial(n,k) # falling factorial rising_factorial(n,k) # rising factorial binomial(n,k) # the binomial coefficient: n!/((n-k)! * k!) binomialmod(n,k,m) # binomial(n,k) modulo m factorialmod(n,m) # factorial(n) modulo m pi(n) # count of primes <= n pi(a,b) # count of primes in the range a..b prime(n) # n-th prime number primes(a,b) # array of primes in the range a..b prime_sum(a,b,k=1) # sum of primes: Sum_{a <= p prime <= b} p^k composite(n) # n-th composite number composites(a,b) # array of composites in the range a..b composite_count(n) # count of composites <= n composite_sum(a,b,k=1) # sum of composites: Sum_{a <= c composite <= b} c^k squarefree_count(n) # count of squarefree numbers <= n prime_power_count(n) # count of prime powers <= n perfect_power_count(n) # count of perfect powers <= n mu(n) # Moebius function mertens(n) # Mertens function: partial sums of mu(n) lpf(n) # least prime factor of n, with lpf(1) = 1 gpf(n) # greatest prime factor of n, with gpf(1) = 1 sqrtmod(a,n) # find a solution x to the congruence x^2 == a (mod n) sqrtmod_all(a,n) # find all solutions x to the congruence x^2 == a (mod n) sqrtQ(n) # square root of n as a Quadratic object invmod(a,m) # modular inverse: a^(-1) (mod m) powmod(n,k,m) # modular exponentiation: n^k (mod m) expnorm(n,B=10) # exp(n) normalized to base B in interval [0,1) harmonic(n,k=1) # n-th Harmonic number of k-th order bernoulli(n) # n-th Bernoulli number euler(n) # n-th Euler number bernoulli(n,x) # n-th Bernoulli polynomial evaluated at x euler(n,x) # n-th Euler polynomial evaluated at x sqrt_cfrac(n) # continued fraction expansion of sqrt(n) sqrt_cfrac_period_len(n) # length of the continued fraction period of sqrt(n) convergents(n) # continued fraction convergents of n rat_approx(n) # rational approximation of n var(x,y)=solve_pell(n) # smallest solution to Pell's equation: x^2 - n*y^2 = 1 digits(n, base=10) # array with digits of n in a given base digits_sum(n, base=10) # sum of digits of n in a given base sum_of_squares(n) # array of [x,y] solutions for representing n as: x^2 + y^2 diff_of_squares(n) # array of [x,y] solutions for representing n as: x^2 - y^2 cyclotomic(n) # n-th cyclotomic polynomial (as a Polynomial object) cyclotomic(n,x) # n-th cyclotomic polynomial evaluated at x cyclotomicmod(n,x,m) # n-th cyclotomic polynomial evaluated at x modulo m lucasU(P, Q, n) # Lucas sequence: U_n(P, Q) lucasV(P, Q, n) # Lucas sequence: V_n(P, Q) lucasUmod(P, Q, n, m) # modular Lucas sequence: U_n(P, Q) mod m lucasVmod(P, Q, n, m) # modular Lucas sequence: V_n(P, Q) mod m lucas(n) # n-th Lucas number fib(n, k=2) # n-th Fibonacci number of k-th order fibmod(n, m) # n-th Fibonacci number modulo m fibmod(n, k, m) # n-th k-th order Fibonacci number modulo m geometric_sum(n,r) # closed-form to the geometric sum: Sum_{j=0..n} r^j faulhaber_sum(n,k) # Faulhaber's formula for: Sum_{j=1..n} j^k
Here we have a list of functions related to pseudoprimes:
is_carmichael(n) # true if n is a Carmichael number is_lucas_carmichael(n) # true if n is a Lucas-Carmichael number is_psp(n, B=2) # true if n is a Fermat pseudoprime base B is_strong_psp(n, B=2) # true if n is a strong Fermat pseudoprime base B is_super_psp(n, B=2) # true if n is a superpseudoprime to base B is_over_psp(n, B=2) # true if n is an overpseudoprime to base B is_chebyshev_psp(n) # true if n is a Chebyshev pseudoprime is_euler_psp(n, B=2) # true if n is an Euler pseudoprime to base B is_pell_psp(n) # true if n is a Pell pseudoprime: U_n(2, -1) = (2|n) (mod n) is_abs_euler_psp(n) # true if n is an absolute Euler pseudoprime is_lucasU_psp(n,P=1,Q=-1) # true if Lucas sequence U_n(P,Q) = 0 (mod n) is_lucasV_psp(n,P=1,Q=-1) # true if Lucas sequence V_n(P,Q) = P (mod n) k.fermat_psp(B,a,b) # Fermat pseudoprimes to base B with k distinct prime factors in range a..b k.strong_fermat_psp(B,a,b) # strong Fermat pseudoprimes to base B with k distinct prime factors in range a..b k.carmichael(a,b) # Carmichael numbers with k prime factors in range a..b k.lucas_carmichael(a,b) # Lucas-Carmichael numbers with k prime factors in range a..b
Additionally, here's a list of functions involving various k-property
k.smooth_count(n) # count of k-smooth numbers <= n k.rough_count(n) # count of k-rough numbers <= n n.is_almost_prime(k) # true if n is k-almost prime (i.e.: Omega(n) = k) n.is_omega_prime(k) # true if n is k-omega prime (i.e.: omega(n) = k) n.is_powerful(k) # true if n is k-powerful n.is_powerfree(k) # true if n is k-powerfree n.is_nonpowerfree(k) # true if n is k-nonpowerfree k.omega_primes(a,b) # generate k-omega primes in the range a..b k.almost_primes(a,b) # generate k-almost primes in the range a..b k.omega_prime_count(a,b) # count of k-omega primes in the range a..b k.almost_prime_count(a,b) # count of k-almost primes in the range a..b k.powerfree(a,b) # generate k-powerfree numbers in the range a..b k.powerful(a,b) # generate k-powerful numbers in the range a..b k.nonpowerfree(a,b) # generate k-nonpowerfree numbers in the range a..b k.powerfree_count(a,b) # count of k-powerfree numbers in the range a..b k.powerful_count(a,b) # count of k-powerful numbers in the range a..b k.nonpowerfree_count(a,b) # count of k-nonpowerfree numbers in the range a..b k.omega_prime_sum(a,b) # sum of k-omega primes in the range a..b k.almost_prime_sum(a,b) # sum of k-almost primes in the range a..b k.powerful_sum(a,b) # sum of k-powerful numbers in the range a..b k.powerfree_sum(a,b) # sum of k-powerfree numbers in the range a..b k.nonpowerfree_sum(a,b) # sum of k-nonpowerfree numbers in the range a..b k.smooth_divisors(n) # k-smooth divisors of n k.rough_divisors(n) # k-rough divisors of n k.power_divisors(n) # k-th power divisors of n k.power_udivisors(n) # k-th power unitary divisors of n k.powerfree_divisors(n) # k-powerfree divisors of n k.powerfree_udivisors(n) # k-powerfree unitary divisors of n
For the full documentation of each function, please see: (PDF)
Generating sequences
The first n terms of a sequence can be easily generated by using the following constructs: {|k| ... } # collect the first n integers >= 0 for which the block returns true n.of {|k| ... } # calls the block with the first n integers >= 0 and collects the results
And there is also the map
method, which maps the values in a given range to a given block, collecting the results:
map(a..b, {|k| ... }) # returns an array {|k| ... }.map(a..b) # same as above
It's conventional in Sidef to use an implicit method call on the block argument (_
), without storing the argument in a named variable:
# First 10 composite numbers say { .is_composite } #=> [4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18] # Values of phi(x) in range 0..9 say 10.of { .phi } #=> [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6] # Values of phi(x) in range 20..30 say map(20..30, { .phi }) #=> [8, 12, 10, 22, 8, 20, 12, 18, 12, 28, 8]
Additionally, there is also the Math.seq()
function, that constructs an infinite lazy sequence:
say Math.seq(2, {|a| a[-1].next_prime }).first(30) # prime numbers say Math.seq(0, 1, {|a| a.last(2).sum }).first(30) # Fibonacci numbers say Math.seq(1, 1, {|a,n| a[-1] + n*subfactorial(n-1) }).first(10) # OEIS: A177265 say Math.seq(1, {|a| a[-1].next_omega_prime(2) }).first(20) # OEIS: A007774
User-defined functions
A function can be defined by using the func
func function_name(a,b,c,...) { ... }
Additionally, when calling a built-in method that requires a block ({...}
), a user-defined function name can be provided instead:
func my_condition(n) { n.is_composite && n.is_squarefree } say # first 10 squarefree composite numbers
Implementation of multiplicative functions can be easily done by using the n.factor_prod{|p,e| ... }
func exponential_sigma(n, k=1) { n.factor_prod {|p,e| e.divisors.sum {|d| p**(d*k) } } } say map(1..20, {|n| exponential_sigma(n, 1) }) say map(1..20, {|n| exponential_sigma(n, 2) }) say map(1..20, {|n| exponential_sigma(n, 3) })
For computing the sum over a given range, we have the sum(a..b, {|k| ... })
func harmonic(n) { sum(1..n, {|k| 1/k }) } say 8.of(harmonic) #=> [0, 1, 3/2, 11/6, 25/12, 137/60, 49/20, 363/140]
Similarly, for computing the product over a given range, we have the prod(a..b, {|k| ... })
func superfactorial(n) { prod(1..n, {|k| k! }) } say 8.of(superfactorial) #=> [1, 1, 2, 12, 288, 34560, 24883200, 125411328000]
For recursive functions there is also the is cached
trait, which automatically caches the results of the function:
func a(n) is cached { return 1 if (n == 0) -sum(^n, {|k| a(k) * binomial(n+1, k)**2 }) / (n+1)**2 } for n in (0..30) { printf("(B^S)_1(%2d) = %45s / %s\n", n, a(n) / n! -> nude) }
Built-in classes
This section briefly describes the built-in classes related to computational number theory.
For the documentation of other built-in classes, please see: (PDF).
Mod class
The built-in Mod(a,m)
class is similar to PARI/GP Mod(a,m)
class, constructing and returning a Mod
var a = Mod(13, 97) say a**42 # Mod(85, 97) say 42*a # Mod(61, 97) say chinese(Mod(43, 19), Mod(13, 41)) # Chinese Remainder Theorem
Polynomial class
The built-in Poly()
class can be used for constructing a polynomial object:
say Poly(5) # monomial: x^5 say Poly([1,2,3,4]) # x^3 + 2*x^2 + 3*x + 4 say Poly(5 => 3, 2 => 10) # 3*x^5 + 10*x^2
PolyMod class
The PolyMod()
class represents a modular polynomial:
var a = PolyMod([13,4,51], 43) var b = PolyMod([5,0,-11], 43) say a*b #=> 22*x^4 + 20*x^3 + 26*x^2 + 42*x + 41 (mod 43) say a-b #=> 8*x^2 + 4*x + 19 (mod 43) say a+b #=> 18*x^2 + 4*x + 40 (mod 43) # Division and remainder say [a.divmod(b)].join(' and ') #=> 37 (mod 43) and 4*x + 28 (mod 43)
Gauss class
The Gauss(a,b)
class represents a Gaussian integer of the form: a+bi.
say Gauss(3,4)**100 say Mod(Gauss(3,4), 1000001)**100 #=> Mod(Gauss(826585, 77265), 1000001) var a = Gauss(17,19) var b = Gauss(43,97) say (a + b) #=> Gauss(60, 116) say (a - b) #=> Gauss(-26, -78) say (a * b) #=> Gauss(-1112, 2466) say (a / b) #=> Gauss(99/433, -32/433)
Quadratic class
The Quadratic(a,b,w)
class represents a quadratic integer of the form: a+b√w.
var x = Quadratic(3, 4, 5) # represents: 3 + 4*sqrt(5) var y = Quadratic(6, 1, 2) # represents: 6 + sqrt(2) say x**10 #=> Quadratic(29578174649, 13203129720, 5) say y**10 #=> Quadratic(253025888, 176008128, 2) say x.powmod(100, 97) #=> Quadratic(83, 42, 5) say y.powmod(100, 97) #=> Quadratic(83, 39, 2)
Quaternion class
The Quaternion(a,b,c,d)
class represents a quaternion integer of the form: a+bi+cj+dk.
var a = Quaternion(1,2,3,4) var b = Quaternion(5,6,7,8) say (a + b) #=> Quaternion(6, 8, 10, 12) say (a - b) #=> Quaternion(-4, -4, -4, -4) say (a * b) #=> Quaternion(-60, 12, 30, 24) say (b * a) #=> Quaternion(-60, 20, 14, 32) say (a / b) #=> Quaternion(35/87, 4/87, 0, 8/87) say a**5 #=> Quaternion(3916, 1112, 1668, 2224) say a.powmod(43, 97) #=> Quaternion(61, 38, 57, 76) say a.powmod(-5, 43) #=> Quaternion(11, 22, 33, 1)
Matrix class
The Matrix()
class builds and returns a Matrix object, which supports various arithmetical operations:
var A = Matrix( [2, -3, 1], [1, -2, -2], [3, -4, 1], ) var B = Matrix( [9, -3, -2], [3, -1, 7], [2, -4, -8], ) say (A + B) # matrix addition say (A - B) # matrix subtraction say (A * B) # matrix multiplication say (A / B) # matrix division say (A + 42) # matrix-scalar addition say (A - 42) # matrix-scalar subtraction say (A * 42) # matrix-scalar multiplication say (A / 42) # matrix-scalar division say A**20 # matrix exponentiation say A**-1 # matrix inverse: A^-1 say A**-2 # (A^2)^-1 say A.powmod(43, 97) # modular matrix exponentiation say B.det # matrix determinant say B.solve([1,2,3]) # solve a system of linear equations
Computing OEIS sequences
Sidef is particularly useful in quickly generating various sequences, which can then be searched in the OEIS for finding more information about them:
say map(1..50, { .mu }) say map(1..50, { .mertens }) say map(1..50, { .tau }) say map(1..50, { .pi }) say map(1..50, { .liouville }) say map(1..50, { .liouville_sum }) say map(1..50, { .exp_mangoldt }) say map(1..50, { .sopfr }) say map(1..50, { .sopf }) say map(1..50, { .gpf }) say map(1..50, { .lpf }) say map(1..50, { .gpf_sum }) say map(1..50, { .lpf_sum }) say map(1..50, { .rad }) say map(1..50, { .core }) say map(1..50, { .composite_count }) say map(1..50, { .prime_power_count }) say map(1..50, { .perfect_power_count }) say map(1..50, {|n| 2.omega_prime_count(n) }) say map(1..50, {|n| 3.omega_prime_count(n) }) say map(1..50, {|n| 2.almost_prime_count(n) }) say map(1..50, {|n| 3.almost_prime_count(n) }) say map(1..50, {|n| 2.squarefree_almost_prime_count(n) }) say map(1..50, {|n| 3.squarefree_almost_prime_count(n) }) say 30.of { .dirichlet_convolution({.mu}, {_}) } say 30.of { .dirichlet_convolution({.phi}, {.mu}) } say 30.of { .dirichlet_convolution({.sigma}, {.phi}) } say { .is_perfect } say { .is_abundant } say { .is_odd && .is_abundant } say { .is_cyclic } say { .is_fundamental } say { .is_primitive_root(5) } say { .is_odd_composite } say { .is_totient } say { .is_rough(3) } say { .is_smooth(3) } say { .is_safe_prime } say { .is_semiprime } say { .is_squarefree_semiprime } say { .is_palindrome } say { .is_palindrome(2) } say map(1..30, { .nth_prime }) say map(1..30, { .nth_composite }) say map(1..30, { .nth_prime_power }) say map(1..30, { .nth_perfect_power }) say map(1..30, { .nth_composite }) say map(1..30, { .nth_squarefree }) say map(1..30, { .nth_cubefree }) say map(1..30, { .nth_cubefull }) say map(1..30, { .nth_nonsquarefree }) say map(1..30, { .nth_noncubefree }) say map(1..30, { .nth_powerful }) say map(1..30, { .nth_powerful(4) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_powerfree(2) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_powerfree(4) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_nonpowerfree(2) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_nonpowerfree(4) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_almost_prime(3) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_omega_prime(3) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_squarefree_almost_prime(3) }) say 8.of {|n| prime_sum(10**n) } say 8.of {|n| composite_sum(10**n) } say 8.of {|n| prime_sum(1, 10**n, 2) } say 8.of {|n| composite_sum(1, 10**n, 2) } say 8.of {|n| squarefree_sum(10**n) } say 8.of {|n| nth_prime(10**n) } say 8.of {|n| nth_composite(10**n) } say 8.of {|n| nth_semiprime(10**n) } say 8.of {|n| nth_squarefree(10**n) } say 8.of {|n| nth_almost_prime(10**n, 2) } say 8.of {|n| nth_omega_prime(10**n, 2) } say 8.of {|n| nth_squarefree_almost_prime(10**n, 2) } say 30.of {|n| 2.almost_prime_sum(n) } say 30.of {|n| 2.omega_prime_sum(n) } say 30.of {|n| 2.squarefree_almost_prime_sum(n) } say 50.of { } say 50.of { } say 50.of { 12 * .hclassno } say 60.of {|q| ramanujan_sum(2, q) } say 50.of { .squares_r(2) } say 50.of { .squares_r(3) } say 50.of { .squares_r(4) } say { .is_pyramidal(5) } say { .is_polygonal(5) } say { .is_polygonal2(5) } say { .is_centered_polygonal(5) } say 30.of {|n| pyramidal(n, 3) } # tetrahedral numbers say 30.of {|n| pyramidal(n, 5) } # pentagonal pyramidal numbers say 30.of {|n| centered_polygonal(n, 3) } # centered triangular numbers say 30.of {|n| centered_polygonal(n, 6) } # centered hexagonal numbers say 30.of { .fib } say 30.of { .fib(3) } say 30.of { .lucas } say 25.of { .motzkin } say 20.of { .fubini } say 20.of { .bell } say 20.of { .factorial } say 20.of { .subfactorial } say 20.of { .subfactorial(2) } say 20.of { .left_factorial } say 25.of { .primorial } say 15.of { .pn_primorial } say map(1..30, { .ramanujan_tau }) say map(1..15, { .secant_number }) say map(1..15, { .tangent_number }) say 15.of {|n| 3.rough_part(n!) } say 15.of {|n| 3.smooth_part(n!) } say 10.of {|k| semiprime(10**k) } say 20.of {|k| semiprime_count(2**k) } say 20.of {|n| 13.smooth_count(10**n) } say 10.of {|k| squarefree_semiprime_count(10**k) } say 30.of {|n| sum_remainders(n, n) } say 30.of {|n| sum_remainders(n, } say 50.of { .fusc } say 50.of { .collatz } say 50.of { .flip } say 50.of { .flip(2) } say 50.of { .digital_root } say 50.of {|n| n.factor_prod {|p,e| p*e } } say 50.of {|n| n.divisor_sum {|d| psi(d) * sigma(n/d) } } say 25.of {|n| euler_number(n) } say 20.of {|n| bernoulli(2*n).nu } say 20.of {|n| bernoulli(2*n).de } say 25.of{|n| lucasU(1, -1, n) } # the Fibonacci numbers say 25.of{|n| lucasU(2, -1, n) } # the Pell numbers say 25.of{|n| lucasU(1, -2, n) } # the Jacobsthal numbers say 25.of{|n| lucasV(1, -1, n) } # the Lucas numbers say 25.of{|n| lucasV(2, -1, n) } # the Pell-Lucas numbers say 25.of{|n| lucasV(1, -2, n) } # the Jacobsthal-Lucas numbers say 50.of {|n| polygonal( n, 3) } # triangular numbers say 50.of {|n| polygonal( n, 5) } # pentagonal numbers say 50.of {|n| polygonal(-n, 5) } # second pentagonal numbers say 25.of { .mfac(2) } # double-factorials say 25.of { .mfac(3) } # triple-factorials say 30.of {|n| n.primitive_part({.fib}) } say 30.of {|n| 2.powerfree_part_sum(n) } say 30.of {|n| 3.powerfree_part_sum(n) } say 50.of {|n| 2.powerfree_part(n) } # squarefree part of n say 50.of {|n| 3.powerfree_part(n) } # cubefree part of n say 50.of {|n| 2.powerfree_sigma(n) } say 50.of {|n| 3.powerfree_sigma(n) } say 50.of {|n| 2.powerfree_usigma(n) } say 50.of {|n| 2.powerfree_usigma(n, 2) } say 50.of {|n| 2.power_sigma(n) } say 50.of {|n| 3.power_sigma(n) } say { .is_llr_prime(3) } # numbers n such that 2^n * 3 - 1 is prime say { .is_proth_prime(3) } # numbers n such that 2^n * 3 + 1 is prime say map(1..50, { .psi }) say map(1..50, { .phi }) say map(1..50, { .iphi }) say map(1..50, { .bphi }) say map(1..50, { .uphi }) say map(1..50, { .nuphi }) say map(1..50, { .sigma }) say map(1..50, { .usigma }) say map(1..50, { .isigma }) say map(1..50, { .esigma }) say map(1..50, { .bsigma }) say map(1..50, { .nusigma }) say map(1..50, { .nisigma }) say map(1..50, { .nesigma }) say map(1..50, { .nbsigma }) say map(1..50, { .psi(2) }) say map(1..50, { .phi(2) }) say map(1..50, { .sigma(2) }) say map(1..50, { .usigma(2) }) say map(1..50, { .isigma(2) }) say map(1..50, { .esigma(2) }) say map(1..50, { .bsigma(2) }) say map(1..50, { .nusigma(2) }) say map(1..50, { .nisigma(2) }) say map(1..50, { .nesigma(2) }) say map(1..50, { .nbsigma(2) }) say 10.of { .hyperfactorial } say 10.of { .superfactorial } say 10.of { .superprimorial } say map(1..30, { .nth_omega_prime(2) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_omega_prime(3) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_almost_prime(2) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_almost_prime(3) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_squarefree_almost_prime(2) }) say map(1..30, { .nth_squarefree_almost_prime(3) }) say { .is_carmichael } say { .is_lucas_carmichael } say { .is_composite && .is_lucas_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_strong_lucas_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_psp(3) } say { .is_composite && .is_strong_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_strong_psp(3) } say { .is_composite && .is_euler_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_euler_psp(3) } say { .is_composite && .is_super_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_super_psp(3) } say { .is_composite && .is_over_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_over_psp(3) } say { .is_composite && .is_pell_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_pell_lucas_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_lucasU_psp } say { .is_composite && .is_lucasV_psp }
Finding closed-form to sequences
Given an unknown sequence of integers, we can try to find a closed-form to it, by using polynomial interpolation, which is built into Sidef as Array.solve_seq()
say [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81].solve_seq # x^2 say [0, 1, 33, 276, 1300, 4425, 12201].solve_seq # 1/6*x^6 + 1/2*x^5 + 5/12*x^4 - 1/12*x^2
Additionally, we can try to find a linear-recurrence to a sequence, using Array.solve_rec_seq()
say [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 13, 24, 44, 81, 149].solve_rec_seq # [1, 1, 1] say [0, 1, 9, 36, 100, 225, 441, 784, 1296, 2025].solve_rec_seq # [5, -10, 10, -5, 1]
The returned linear-recurrence signature can be passed to Math.linear_rec(signature, initial_terms, from, to)
for efficiently computing the terms in a given range or only the n-th term of the sequence:
say Math.linear_rec([1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], 0, 20) # terms in range 0..20 say Math.linear_rec([1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], 1000) # only the 1000-th term
If only the remainder is needed, we can use Math.linear_recmod(signature, initial_terms, n, m)
, which efficiently computes the n-th term modulo m:
say Math.linear_recmod([5, -10, 10, -5, 1], [0, 1, 9, 36, 100], 2**128, 10**10) # (2^128)-th term modulo 10^10
Inverse of multiplicative functions
Based on methods by Max Alekseyev, Sidef implements support for computing the inverse of the following functions:
- Sum of divisors function:
- Euler's totient function:
- Dedekind's Psi function:
- Unitary totient function:
- Unitary sigma function:
var n = 252 say inverse_phi(n) #=> [301, 381, 387, 441, 508, 602, 762, 774, 882] say inverse_psi(n) #=> [130, 164, 166, 205, 221, 251] say inverse_sigma(n) #=> [96, 130, 166, 205, 221, 251] say inverse_uphi(n) #=> [296, 301, 320, 381, 456, 516, 602, 762] say inverse_usigma(n) #=> [130, 166, 205, 216, 221, 251]
Additionally, there are functions for computing only the minimum or the maximum value, as well as only the number of solutions, all of which can be computed more efficiently than generating all the solutions:
var n = 15! say inverse_sigma_len(n) #=> 910254 say inverse_sigma_min(n) #=> 264370186080 say inverse_sigma_max(n) #=> 1307672080867 say inverse_phi_len(n) #=> 2852886 say inverse_phi_min(n) #=> 1307676655073 say inverse_phi_max(n) #=> 7959363061650 say inverse_psi_len(n) #=> 1162269 say inverse_psi_min(n) #=> 370489869750 say inverse_psi_max(n) #=> 1307672080867
OEIS autoload
OEIS autoload is a Sidef command-line tool and a library that implements support for using OEIS sequences as functions.
The source-code files can be downloaded from:
- backend library:
- command-line tool:
After downloading the above two files, we can execute:
sidef oeis.sf 'A060881(n)' 0 9 # print the first 10 terms of A060881
Several other usage examples:
sidef oeis.sf 'A033676(n)^2 + A033677(n)^2' # first 10 terms sidef oeis.sf 'A033676(n)^2 + A033677(n)^2' 5 # 5-th term sidef oeis.sf 'A033676(n)^2 + A033677(n)^2' 5 20 # terms 5..20
The ID of a OEIS sequence can be called like any other function:
sidef oeis.sf 'sum(1..n, {|k| A000330(k) })' sidef oeis.sf 'sum(0..n, {|k| A048994(n, k) * A048993(n+k, n) })'
library can also be used inside Sidef scripts, by placing it in the same directory with the script:
include OEIS say map(1..10, {|k| A000330(k) })
Non-trivial OEIS sequences
Sidef was extensively used over the years in extending various OEIS sequences that had the more
and/or hard
In this section we present several code examples that compute non-trivial OEIS sequences.
Generation of pseudoprimes
A007011: Smallest pseudoprime to base 2 with n prime factors.
func A007011(n) { return nil if (n < 2) var x = pn_primorial(n) var y = 2*x loop { var arr = n.fermat_psp(2, x, y) return arr[0] if arr x = y+1 y = 2*x } } for n in (2..100) { print(A007011(n), ", ") }
NOTE: there is also the n.squarefree_fermat_psp(base, x, y)
method, which is slightly faster.
A180065: Smallest strong pseudoprime to base 2 with n prime factors.
func A180065(n) { return nil if (n < 2) var x = pn_primorial(n) var y = 2*x loop { var arr = n.strong_fermat_psp(2, x, y) return arr[0] if arr x = y+1 y = 2*x } } for n in (2..100) { print(A180065(n), ", ") }
NOTE: there is also the n.squarefree_strong_fermat_psp(base, x, y)
method, which is slightly faster.
A271874: Smallest Fermat pseudoprime to base n with n distinct prime factors.
func A271874(n, k=n) { return nil if (n < 2) var x = pn_primorial(k) var y = 2*x loop { var arr = k.fermat_psp(n,x,y) return arr[0] if arr x = y+1 y = 2*x } } for n in (2..100) { print(A271874(n), ", ") }
A271873: Square array A(n,k) read by antidiagonals downwards: smallest Fermat pseudoprime to base n with k distinct prime factors for k, n >= 2.
{|x| {|y| A271874(x,y) }.map(2..10) }.map(2..10).each { .say } # takes 0.5 seconds
(reusing the A271874(n,k)
function defined above)
A006931: Least Carmichael number with n prime factors.
func A006931(n) { return nil if (n < 3) var x = pn_primorial(n+1)/2 var y = 3*x loop { var arr = n.carmichael(x,y) return arr[0] if arr x = y+1 y = 3*x } } for n in (3..100) { print(A006931(n), ", ") }
A216928: Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors.
func A216928(n) { return nil if (n < 3) var x = pn_primorial(n+1)/2 var y = 3*x loop { var arr = n.lucas_carmichael(x,y) return arr[0] if arr x = y+1 y = 3*x } } for n in (3..100) { print(A216928(n), ", ") }
A356866: Smallest Carmichael number (A002997) with n prime factors that is also a strong pseudoprime to base 2 (A001262).
func A356866(n) { return nil if (n < 3) var x = pn_primorial(n+1)/2 var y = 3*x loop { var arr = n.strong_fermat_carmichael(2,x,y) return arr[0] if arr x = y+1 y = 3*x } } for n in (3..100) { print(A356866(n), ", ") }
Numbers with n prime factors
A219018: Smallest k>1 such that kn+1 has exactly n distinct prime factors.
func A219018(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { var v = (k**n + 1) v.is_omega_prime(n) || next return k } } for n in (1..100) { print(A219018(n), ", ") }
A219019: Smallest k>1 such that kn−1 has exactly n distinct prime divisors.
func A219019(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { var v = (k**n - 1) v.is_omega_prime(n) || next return k } } for n in (1..100) { print(A219019(n), ", ") }
A359070: Smallest k>1 such that kn−1 is the product of n distinct primes.
func A359070(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { is_squarefree(k-1) || next var v = (k**n - 1) v.is_squarefree_almost_prime(n) || next return k } } for n in (1..100) { print(A359070(n), ", ") }
A242786: Least prime p such that pn and pn+1 have the same number of prime factors (counted with multiplicity) or 0 if no such number exists.
func A242786(n) { for (var p = 2; true; p.next_prime!) { var v = (p**n + 1) v.is_almost_prime(n) || next return p } } for n in (1..100) { print(A242786(n), ", ") }
A241793: Least number k such that kn and kn−1 contain the same number of prime factors (counted with multiplicity) or 0 if no such k exists.
func A241793(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { var b = bigomega(k)*n var v = (k**n - 1) is_almost_prime(v, b) || next return k } } for n in (1..100) { print(A241793(n), ", ") }
A281940: Least k such that kn+1 is the product of n distinct primes (k>0).
func A281940(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { var v = (k**n + 1) v.is_squarefree_almost_prime(n) || next return k } } for n in (1..100) { print(A281940(n), ", ") }
A280005: Least prime p such that pn+1 is the product of n distinct primes.
func A280005(n) { for(var p = 2; true; p.next_prime!) { var v = (p**n + 1) v.is_squarefree_almost_prime(n) || next return p } } for n in (1..100) { print(A280005(n), ", ") }
A358863: a(n) is the smallest n-gonal number with exactly n prime factors (counted with multiplicity).
func A358863(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { var v = polygonal(k, n) v.is_almost_prime(n) || next return v } } for n in (3..100) { print(A358863(n), ", ") }
Alternative solution:
func A358863(n, from = 2**n, upto = 2*from) { loop { n.almost_primes(from, upto).each {|v| v.is_polygonal(n) || next return v } from = upto+1 upto = idiv(3*upto, 2) } } for n in (3..100) { print(A358863(n), ", ") }
A358865: a(n) is the smallest n-gonal pyramidal number with exactly n prime factors (counted with multiplicity).
func A358865(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { var v = pyramidal(k, n) v.is_almost_prime(n) || next return v } } for n in (3..100) { print(A358865(n), ", ") }
A358862: a(n) is the smallest n-gonal number with exactly n distinct prime factors.
func A358862(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { var v = polygonal(k, n) v.is_omega_prime(n) || next return v } } for n in (3..100) { print(A358862(n), ", ") }
Alternative solution:
func A358862(n, from = n.pn_primorial, upto = 2*from) { loop { n.omega_primes(from, upto).each {|v| v.is_polygonal(n) || next return v } from = upto+1 upto *= 2 } } for n in (3..100) { print(A358862(n), ", ") }
A358864: a(n) is the smallest n-gonal pyramidal number with exactly n distinct prime factors.
func A358864(n) { for k in (1..Inf) { var v = pyramidal(k, n) v.is_omega_prime(n) || next return v } } for n in (3..100) { print(A358864(n), ", ") }
A127637: Smallest squarefree triangular number with exactly n prime factors.
func A127637(n, from = n.pn_primorial, upto = 2*from) { loop { n.squarefree_almost_primes(from, upto).each {|v| v.is_polygonal(3) || next return v } from = upto+1 upto *= 2 } } for n in (1..100) { print(A127637(n), ", ") }
A239696: Smallest number m such that m and reverse(m)
each have n distinct prime factors.
func A239696(n, from = n.pn_primorial, upto = 2*from) { loop { n.omega_primes(from, upto).each {|v| v.reverse.is_omega_prime(n) || next return v } from = upto+1 upto *= 2 } } for n in (1..100) { print(A239696(n), ", ") }
A291138: a(n) is the smallest k such that ψ(k) and ϕ(k) have same distinct prime factors when k is the product of n distinct primes, or 0 if no such k exists.
func A291138(n, from = n.pn_primorial, upto = 2*from) { loop { n.squarefree_almost_primes_each(from, upto, {|v| var a = v.phi var b = v.psi a.is_smooth_over_prod(b) || next b.is_smooth_over_prod(a) || next return v }) from = upto+1 upto *= 2 } } for n in (1..100) { print(A291138(n), ", ") }
Inverse of multiplicative functions
A329660: Numbers m such that σ(m) is a Lucas number (A000032), where σ(m) is the sum of divisors of m (A000203).
for k in (1..1000) { var arr = k.lucas.inverse_sigma print(arr.join(", "), ", ") if arr }
A291487: a(n) is the smallest k such that ψ(k)=n!, or 0 if no such k exists (psi(k) =
for k in (1..100) { print(k!.inverse_psi_min || 0, ", ") }
A291356: a(n) is the smallest k such that usigma(k) =
A002110(n), or 0 if no such k exists.
for k in (1..100) { print(k.pn_primorial.inverse_usigma.first || 0, ", ") }
Counting functions
A106629: Number of positive integers <=10n that are divisible by no prime exceeding 13.
for n in (0..100) { print(13.smooth_count(10**n), ", ") }
A116429: The number of n-almost primes less than or equal to 9n, starting with a(0)=1.
for n in (0..100) { print(n.almost_prime_count(9**n), ", ") }
A062761: Number of powerful numbers between 2n−1+1 and 2n.
for n in (1..100) { print(2.powerful_count(2**(n-1) + 1, 2**n), ", ") }
Misc sequences
A323697: Primes p such that the norm of the quadratic-field analog of Mersenne numbers Mp,α=(αp−1)/(α−1), with α=2+√2, is a rational prime.
var alpha = (2 + sqrtQ(2)) # creates a Quadratic integer each_prime(2, 1e6, {|p| var k = norm((alpha**p - 1) / (alpha-1)) print(p, ", ") if k.is_prime })
A061682: Length of period of continued fraction expansion of square root of 22n+1+1.
for n in (2..100) { print(sqrt_cfrac_period_len(2**(2*n + 1) + 1), ", ") }
A139822: Denominator of BernoulliB(10^n)
func bernoulli_denominator(n) { # Von Staudt-Clausen theorem return 1 if (n == 0) return 2 if (n == 1) return 1 if n.is_odd n.divisors.grep {|d| is_prime(d+1) }.prod {|d| d+1 } } for n in (0..10) { print(bernoulli_denominator(10**n), ", ") }
A071255: a(1)=2, a(n+1)=a(n)-th squarefree number.
var n = 1 var prev = n+1 for (1..100) { n = nth_squarefree(n+1) assert_eq(n.squarefree_count, prev) print(n, ", ") prev = n+1 }
A037274: Home primes: for n>=2, a(n) is the prime that is finally reached when you start with n, concatenate its prime factors (A037276) and repeat until a prime is reached (a(n)=−1 if no prime is ever reached).
func A037274(n) { return n if (n < 2) loop { n = Num(n.factor.join) break if n.is_prime } return n } for n in (1..100) { print(A037274(n), ", ") }
A359492: a(n) is the least number of the form p2+q2−2 for primes p and q that is an odd prime times 2n, or −1 if there is no such number.
func A359492(n) { var t = 2**n for (var p = 3; true; p.next_prime!) { if (sum_of_squares(t*p + 2).any {.all_prime}) { return (t*p) } } } for n in (3..100) { print(A359492(n), ", ") }
A323137: Largest prime that is both left-truncatable and right-truncatable in base n.
func is_left_truncatable_prime(n, base) { for (var r = base; r < n; r *= base) { is_prime(n - r*idiv(n, r)) || return false } return true } func generate_from_prefix(p, base, digits) { var seq = [p] digits.each {|d| var n = (p*base + d) n.is_prime || next seq += __FUNC__(n, base, digits).grep {|k| is_left_truncatable_prime(k, base) } } return seq } func both_truncatable_primes(base) { primes(base-1).map {|p| generate_from_prefix(p, base, @(1 ..^ base)) }.flat.sort } for base in (3..100) { print(both_truncatable_primes(base).max, ", ") }
A357435: a(n) is the least prime p such that p2+4 is a prime times 5n.
func A357435(n, solution = Inf) { var m = 5**n for x in (modular_quadratic_formula(1, 0, 4, m)) { x > solution && break for k in (0 .. Inf) { var p = (m*k + x) p > solution && break p.is_prime || next var u = (p**2 + 4) u.is_power_of(5) || u.remdiv(5).is_prime || next var v = (u.valuation(5) - (u.is_power_of(5) ? 1 : 0)) if (v == n) { solution = min(p, solution) } } } return solution } for n in (0..100) { print(A357435(n), ", ") }
Integer factorization
Sidef includes many special-purpose integer factorization methods, which are combined under a single function:
special_factor(n, effort=1) # tries to find special factors of n
The special_factor(n)
function efficiently tries to find special factors (not necessarily prime) of a large integer n, using various special-purpose factorization methods, such as:
- Trial division
- Fermat factorization method
- HOLF method
- S. Germain factorization method
- Pell factorization method
- Phi-finder method
- Difference of powers method
- Congruence of powers method
- Miller factorization method
- Lucas factorization method
- Fibonacci factorization method
- FLT factorization method
- Pollard's p-1 method
- Pollard's rho method
- Williams' p+1 method
- Chebyshev factorization method
- Cyclotomic factorization method
- Lenstra's Elliptic Curve Method
Some of these special-purpose factorization methods are described in this blog post.
By providing an integer argument for effort
greater than 1, the function increases the amount of tries accordingly, before giving up. For example, special_factor(n, 2)
will double the number of tries.
The method returns an array with the factors of n. The product of the factors will give back n, but some factors may be composite.
Here are some examples where special_factor(n)
say special_factor(lucas(480)) # finds all prime factors, taking 0.01s say special_factor(fibonacci(480)) # finds all prime factors, taking 0.01s say special_factor(fibonacci(361)**2 + 1) # finds all prime factors, taking 0.05s say special_factor(2**512 - 1) # finds 12 factors, taking 1.5s say special_factor(10**122 - 15**44) # finds all prime factors, taking 0.1s say special_factor(17**48 + 17**120) # finds all prime factors, taking 0.1s say special_factor((3**120 + 1) * (5**240 - 1)) # finds all prime factors, taking 0.1s say special_factor(181490268975016506576033519670430436718066889008242598463521) say special_factor(173315617708997561998574166143524347111328490824959334367069087) say special_factor(5373477536385214579076118706681399189136056405078551802232403683) say special_factor(57981220983721718930050466285761618141354457135475808219583649146881) say special_factor(2425361208749736840354501506901183117777758034612345610725789878400467) say special_factor(2828427124746190097638422773161207685721457240278848640927457308905928537636961) say special_factor(90000000000000000000000000000000000002689807631151675321570673859864194363258374661) say special_factor(1000000000000000000000110940350000000000000004102587086035000000000050571383025434301) say special_factor(178558027781611975691578574219321581742259878171663349730859376950932642242171853408904221) say special_factor(6384263073451390405968126023273631892411500902402571736234793541658288688275134678964387652) say special_factor(1000000000000000000000000000367000000000000000000000000038559000000000000000000000001190673) say special_factor(999999999999999999999999999977900000000000000000000000000143909999999999999999999999999752869)
The function special_factor(n)
is also used internally in factor(n)
for large enough n, making all the number theory functions, that depend on the factorization of n, very fast for special values of n.
Additionally, the following special-purpose factorization methods can be used individually:
n.trial_factor(limit) # Trial division n.fermat_factor(k=1e4) # Fermat factorization method n.holf_factor(tries=1e4) # HOLF method n.sophie_germain_factor # Sophie Germain factorization method n.dop_factor(tries=n.ilog2) # Difference of powers method n.cop_factor(tries=n.ilog2) # Congruence of powers method n.cyclotomic_factor(bases...) # Cyclotomic factorization method n.ecm_factor(B1, curves) # Elliptic curve method n.fib_factor(upto = 2*n.ilog2) # Fibonacci factorization method n.flt_factor(base=2, tries=1e4) # Fermat's Little Theorem method n.miller_factor(tries=100) # Miller factorization method n.lucas_factor(j=1, tries=100) # Lucas factorization method n.mbe_factor(tries=10) # Modular Binary Exponentiation method n.prho_factor(tries) # Pollard's rho factorization method n.pbrent_factor(tries) # Pollard-Brent factorization method n.pell_factor(tries=1e4) # Pell factorization method n.phi_finder_factor(tries=1e4) # Phi-finder method n.pm1_factor(B) # Pollard's p-1 method n.pp1_factor(B) # Williams' p+1 method n.chebyshev_factor(B,x) # Chebyshev T factorization method n.squfof_factor(tries=1e4) # Shanks’ square forms method n.qs_factor # Quadratic sieve factorization
Where Sidef excels
This section includes several examples in which Sidef does very well in terms of performance.
Identification of k-almost primes
The following 3 functions use efficient trial-division (based on primorials) to obtain a bound B, trying to disprove that n has a given number of prime factors:
n.is_almost_prime(k) # true if Omega(n) == k n.is_omega_prime(k) # true if omega(n) == k n.is_squarefree_almost_prime(k) # true if omega(n) == k and n is squarefree
For an integer n to have at least k prime factors, without having any prime factors less than or equal to B, it necessitates n to be greater than Bk. This condition arises because all prime factors of n exceed the value of B.
Moreover, the function internally invokes special_factor(n)
and promptly concludes if the composite part of n falls below the required threshold to attain k−j prime factors.
A significant speed enhancement could be achieved by using ECM with conjectured bounds to increase B much higher than what can now be achieved with trial-division. This would effectively reject numerous numbers more swiftly.
Another conjectured approach would be using Pollard's rho method to find a larger bound for B, which requires O(√B) steps to find a prime factor less than B. Therefore, if we take B=1012, after O(106) iterations of the Pollard rho method without success in finding a prime factor of n, it's very likely that n has no prime factor less than 1012.
This latter approach can be enabled by setting Num!USE_CONJECTURES = true
and is useful for computing upper bounds, being approximately 5x faster than the rigorous method.
Factorization of integers of special form
The factor(n)
function is very fast for integers of special form that can be factorized by the special_factor(n)
This performance is extended to all the other built-in functions that require the prime factorization of n:
var p = (primorial(557)*144 + 1) var q = (primorial(557)*288 + 1) assert(p.is_prov_prime) assert(q.is_prov_prime) say factor(p * q) # takes 0.01s say is_carmichael(p * q) # false (also takes 0.01s) say phi(p * q) # this also takes 0.01s
Modular binomial
Another function that is very well optimized in Sidef, is binomial(n,k,m)
say binomialmod(1e20, 1e13, 20!) # takes 0.01s say binomialmod(2**60 - 99, 1e5, next_prime(2**64)) # takes 0.15s say binomialmod(4294967291 + 1, 1e5, 4294967291**2) # takes 0.08s say binomialmod(1e10, 1e4, (2**128 - 1)**2) # takes 0.01s say binomialmod(1e10, 1e10 - 1e5, 2**127 - 1) # takes 0.11s say binomialmod(1e10, 1e5, 2**127 - 1) # takes 0.08s say binomialmod(1e10, 1e6, 2**127 - 1) # takes 1.28s
Sum of k squares function
The sum of squares function r_k(n)
returns the number of ways of representing n as a sum of k squares.
say 30.of { .squares_r(2) } # OEIS: A004018 say 30.of { .squares_r(3) } # OEIS: A005875 say 30.of { .squares_r(4) } # OEIS: A000118
The Sidef implementation uses fast algorithms for k = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
based on the prime factorization of n:
say squares_r(2**128 + 1, 2) # takes 0.49s say squares_r(2**128 - 1, 4) # takes 0.01s say squares_r(2**128 - 1, 6) # takes 0.01s say squares_r(2**128 - 1, 10) # takes 0.01s
The case k=3 is also decently fast for values of n up to about 240:
say squares_r(2**40 + 1, 3) # 15312384 (takes 2.5s) say squares_r(2**42 + 1, 3) # 19943424 (takes 5.7s)
In general, any positive value of k is supported, but only the above ones are specially optimized:
say squares_r(5040, 15) # 3354826635339287557503600 (takes 6.78s)
The other cases, like k=7, recursively count the number of solutions based on the solutions for k−1:
say squares_r(2**32 + 1, 7) # 18040153467917470423562112 (takes 0.91s) say squares_r(2**32 + 1, 11) # 239232267533254255253533478654408687317150080 (takes 3.96s)
Making Sidef faster
It's possible to make certain functions faster, by using external tools and resources, such as FactorDB, YAFU, PFGW64, PARI/GP, primecount and primesum, which can be enabled in the following lines of code (which must be placed at the top of a program):
Num!USE_YAFU = false # true to use YAFU for factoring large integers Num!USE_PFGW = false # true to use PFGW64 as a primality pretest for large enough n Num!USE_PARI_GP = false # true to use PARI/GP in several functions Num!USE_FACTORDB = false # true to use for factoring large integers Num!USE_PRIMESUM = false # true to use Kim Walisch's primesum in prime_sum(n) Num!USE_PRIMECOUNT = false # true to use Kim Walisch's primecount in prime_count(n)
When these external tools and resources are being used, some debugging information is printed out, which can be seen by setting:
Num!VERBOSE = true # true to enable verbose/debug mode
Here's an example using FactorDB to retrieve the prime factorization of a large integer:
Num!VERBOSE = true Num!USE_FACTORDB = true say factor(43**97 + 1)
Alternatively, the features can be enabled from the command-line as well, using the -N
sidef -N "VERBOSE=1; USE_FACTORDB=1;" script.sf
It's also highly recommended to install the Math::Prime::Util Perl module, which provides great performance in many functions for native integers.
If possible, the GitHub version is recommended instead, which includes many new functions and optimizations not yet released on MetaCPAN:
cpanm --sudo -nv cpanm --sudo -nv
Tips and tricks
This section provides various tips and tricks to achieve a better performance when solving specific problems.
Primality testing
When multiple numbers necessitate simultaneous primality verification, using the all_prime(...)
function proves faster than individually invoking is_prime(n)
for each number.
The advantage lies in the ability to expedite processing: if one term is composite, containing small prime factors, all_prime(...)
swiftly returns without performing primality tests, acknowledging the composite nature of at least one term.
Moreover, if no small prime factor is found for any provided term, the function does a strong Fermat test to base 2 for each term. It attempts early termination if any term fails this test.
Lastly, the function performs an extra-strong Lucas test on each term, resulting in a BPSW test.
all_prime(a, b) # overall faster than: (is_prime(a) && is_prime(b))
Sidef also provides the very fast primality_pretest(n)
function, which tries to find a small prime factors of n, returning false
if n is definitely not a prime number.
Squarefree checking
When checking if a given number n is squarefree, rather than fully factoring the number, is enough to find a square factor of n, which instantly proves than n is not squarefree.
In this regard, Sidef provides the is_prob_squarefree(n, B)
function, which checks if n is divisible by a square p2 with p<=B:
say is_prob_squarefree(2**512 - 1, 1e6) # true (probably squarefree) say is_prob_squarefree(10**136 + 1, 1e3) # false (definitely not squarefree)
If n is less than B3, and the function returns true
, then n is definitely squarefree.
If the B parameter is omitted, multiple limits are tested internally, trying to find a square factor of n, up to B=107.
More examples
For more Sidef code examples, please see:
The end
If you have any questions related to Sidef, please ask here:
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